Tuesday, March 28, 2017



Portrait pictures, when done right, capture more than just a face or a moment.  They capture a story, a piece of someone's inner spirit.  They draw a connection and a bond between the subject and photographer, they allow a tiny glimpse into the person's soul, their thoughts and feelings.  These pictures, to me, do just that.  They allow the viewer a glimpse into the lives of these young children, who, despite living in an impoverished neighborhood in Mexico, display a joy and a hope that touches all who come into contact with them, whether directly in person in Tijuana or through the eyes of the camera half way around the world.  Despite all they have gone through in their young lives, they display a resilience, a joy, and a hope far greater than their current circumstances or situation, for true joy, true hope, come from the inner spirit.  By capturing their eyes, their spirits of resilience, I hope to inspire others, to look not at people's situations or backgrounds, but to look up from the phones and technology that so often crowd our vision, and look at people's eyes.  For therein, lies the picture of people's inner beings.

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